Plant Manager Jarvakandi Plant


  • Tehaste 7, Järvakandi, 79101 Rapla maakond, Estonia
  • Full-time
  • Department: Operations
  • Location: Jarvakandi

Company Description

Remember the last time you opened a bottle of champagne, a cold beer after a hard day’s work or a bottle of sparkling mineral water to quench the thirst, well it was probably made by us, we are O-I and we love that we make more glass containers than anyone in the world.

O-I has more than a century of experience crafting pure, sustainable, brand-building glass packaging for many of the world’s best-known food and beverage brands. We are proud to provide high quality glass packaging for beer, wine, spirits, food, non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

With nearly 24,000 employees and an unparalleled footprint spanning almost 68 plants in19 countries, O-I is a truly global maker of glass packaging.

From engineering and manufacturing to brand development, design and innovation, we are dedicated to providing unique solutions to exceed our customers’ expectations and fuel consumers’ desire for glass.

More information about the company : / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn, about the Jarvakandi plant: O-I Estonia.


Job Description

  • Drive continuous improvement of the organization and sustainability of the plant, keeping safety as # 1 priority.
  • Drive plant productivity by coordinating the work of the plant management team. This includes also cooperation with engineering personnel to develop the process improvement plan for the plant, technological improvement and determine cost reduction opportunities.
  • Develop employee’s  skills in cooperation with the plant management team to ensure presence of succession planning and talent management program. Reviews the performance of team members and holds them accountable for achieving plant goals.
  • Carry out duties in the Quality and support Quality Management Systems, build shared value with our customers. Ensure compliance with company policies and legislative bodies.
  • Act daily in line with O-I values and behaviors as care and value people, teamwork, transparency, inclusiveness, innovation and accountability.



  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in technical area.
  • Minimum 5 years of successful experience on managerial position in the plant (international environment; glass manufacturing, industrial process industry preferred).
  • Proficiency in Estonian and English language.
  • Excellent leadership skills with ability to build and motivate team.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Additional Information

What we offer:

As a Plant Manager of Jarvakandi Plant:

  • You  will have  impact on  company’s development and possibility of personal growth in international environment.
  • You will work with highly engaged and stable team.
  • You will get decent remuneration package that is commensurate with responsibility, contribution and effort.

If you are smart, passionate, innovative, culturally open, curious and collaborative, we’d like to hear from you.

O-I is committed to fostering an inclusive environment that attracts and embraces the brightest minds and creates a culture that welcomes a diversity of ideas and perspectives while encouraging growth and rewarding performance.


Järvakandis on klaasi sulatatud juba viimased 145 aastat. Läbi aegade on siin toodetud erinevaid klaasist esemed, kuid alustati klaastaara tegemisest ning ka viimased paarkümmend aastat on tehas tootnud klaaspakendeid ning kuulud klaaspakendite turuliidri kontserni O-I.

2014 aastal põhjaliku renoveerimise läbinud tehas toodab täna kirgast ja ekstrakirgast klaasi.. Täna töötab meil 160 pühendunud töötajat ning keskmiselt valmistame igapäevaselt 600 000 värvitut läbipaistvast klaasist pakendit. Järvakandis toodetakse c. 50 erinevat sorti purki ja pudelit, mida kasutavad toodete pakendamisel tuntud kodu- ja ka välismaised kaubamärgid peamiselt küll Baltikumis ja Skandinaavias. Näiteks villitakse siin valmistatud pudelitesse nii Finlandia, Stolichnaya kui Viru Valge viina, tuhandetesse klaaspurkidesse pakendatakse kodumaiste tootjate valmistatud suppe, marineeritud kurke ning salateid. Iga klient on meile eriline ning sellest lähtuvalt pingutab iga meie töötaja, et täita kõiki toiduainetetööstusega seotud protseduure.

Operaatori tööks on klaasivormimismasinal vorme vahetada vastavalt vajadusele (füüsiliselt raske, kuna vormide raskus alates 5 kg – 30 kg), neid määrida ja toodetele teha pistelist kontrolli erinevate mõõteriistadega. Töökeskkond on keskmisest soojem (masina juures ca 40-50 kraadi) ja mürarikas. Töötades on kohustuslikud järgmised töökaitsevahendid – prillid, pehme kiiver, kõrvatropid (või klapid), kindad, tööjalanõud ja vastavad riided. Need on kõik meie poolt. Me otsime pikaajalist töötajat, kes on valmis töö kõikide vastavate protseduuridega selgeks õppima. Õppeperiood koos mentoriga operaatori ametikohal on 4 kuud, mille jooksul peaks ära õppima põhitoimingud ja peaks olema suuteline üksi liinil töötama.

Töö on 12 tunniste vahetusega (2 päeva tööl, 2 vaba, 2 ööd tööl ja 2 vaba) ning enamjaolt püstijalu.

Tutvu O-I ettevõttega